Two years ago when launching Craft Guerrilla getting a book deal was something we had thought would be a million years away. Getting a deal with Black Dog has proven to be the sign I was waiting for. I've pretty much believed all along that what I was doing was right and that the people I am working with are absolutely spot on. It's so important to find the right people...we're all different personality wise but we work together pretty well. After many years of searching for the "right mix" of people this has come as a welcome light in a very long tunnel. So the hard work is about to begin and honestly...I'm excited!!! Looking through my portfolio of craft projects to find suitable proposals has been quite fun and a little bit scary. Having to come up with so many tutorials is daunting but it's also inspired me to create a few new ones and to revisit disciplines I had left or put to one side for a while. This brought me back to embroidery. I remember both grannies and mum being kick ass embroiders so I was a bit nervous about picking up the hoop but...I've grabbed it and I have to say that
I'm pretty much in love with embroidery again! It's like painting with a needle and thread. It's quite a good vehicle for my illustrations and drawings and I'm pleased with my first "Come Back" piece! A nice,cute and slightly dark tea tray cloth would be a great project for the book so "Squirrilla" and "Cup Kate" have jumped on the tray cloth and they're looking pretty good even if I say so myself. It's not perfect but I'm very much of the "Kaffe Fassett" school of embroidery and believe that OK, there are a few ground rules but stitch away and don't stick too much to them! I know the traditionalists will be disgusted but as long as you get the desired effect and you are enjoying it...go for it...I am!