Wednesday, 28 April 2010

good bye

Unfortunately after much deliberation I've decided to close the munano web site. However I will keep making and selling my little soft sculptures but through a free provider and as usual in a few choice outlets ( As much fun as it was having my very own web site I have so many other things to do like Craft Guerrilla which has proven to be a huge but satisfying job in itself so giving my full attention to munano has been quite difficult.
Lets just say munano has taken a little bit of a back seat for now but fret not my fun loving chums it still lives on and hopefully when the rest starts managing itself then I can go back to giving the right attention needed to make munano a successful venture once more!
From the 8th of May will cease to be on the web but I will still be selling through etsy and other designer maker sites.
It's the end of an era but the beginning of a new age!
Keep well and thank you to all who helped, supported and befriended munano.

Monday, 19 April 2010