Busy,busy,busy...my life revolves around hectic days of holding down a job and coming up with new designs and ideas for my own ventures. I love ,and always have loved, sewing and making things.My mind is always filled with images, projects,songs,poetry,music ,colour and a strong belief that everything in our imaginations is possible to recreate. I made my first doll in 1984
when my cousin was a toddler.It was a freaky,skinny,pink wool haired doll with the most fabulous white velor fabric for skin. I went on to study ceramics in Porto ,Portugal. I took a break from doll making and as a young punk I continued to sew but then for more selfish and pressing reasons...I needed some cool clothing to wear so I made my own! After many years of going through many professions, different jobs and then the last straw...when my last much loved job was made redundant I returned to my first love and began to stitch my way into making bunnies, cats and other creatures. After a stint at Sunday UpMarket (Brick Lane) in 2005 I decided to sell via the net and direct to shops. Last year I went to Lisbon and took my creatures with me. The response was good and very interesting. Now I have a boutique on ETSY (see link),sell in Fabrica Features Lisboa and Penny Fielding Beautiful Interiors London. This has been a slow process and an tiring one at times but absolutely worth it!